Carbon Drawdown Time Machine
Motivated by the following tweets,
we sought to make a simple HTML/JavaScript calculator that would allow people to test different values.
- Carbon sequestered: what is the potential sequestration of your approach?
- Units in: what are the units corresponding to your carbon sequestration potential? Options are tonnes C/year, tonnes CO2/year, and trees.
- Units out: how far back in time is the carbon sequestration equivalent to (or how much time of a particular unit of human-caused carbon emissions is “undone” based on your sequestration)?
- Result: how much time of human emissions is undone by your approach (in the units of Units out)?
Give it a shot:
The calculator uses 2011–2020’s total anthropogenic emissions of 10.6 GtC/yr (38.9 GtCO2/yr) from the Global Carbon Budget: https://essd.copernicus.org/articles/14/1917/2022/essd-14-1917-2022.pdf.
Important note: this webpage has no agenda beyond encouraging careful consideration of scale when discussing carbon and carbon offsets. We are pro-trees, pro-whales, etc., and hope that blue and green carbon ecosystems are preserved and restored, for many reasons!